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The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce organized an event to present the CVETNET Pilot Programme

NEWS | The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce organized an event to present the CVETNET Pilot Programme

The main objectives of the project were presented during the event followed by the main results of the Pilot programme and more specifically:


  • Interviewing company executives (online or on site), getting acquainted with the current state of the company (field of activity, age of staff), vision and strategy of the company, digital knowledge of staff, continuity of knowledge from older to young employees and (digital knowledge) from younger to older;
  • Recruiting employees to go through the interview phase. They would be selected by the management body or the Human Resources department;
  • Carrying out the necessary analysis of staff from a company (digital literacy; qualifications; communication skills, leadership skills and teamwork, etc.), then proceeding with the development of an individual report (training plan), which would contain information about the (digital) gaps of the employee and would provide recommendations for their improvement.

The event was attended by around 20 representatives of the following sectors (IT, on-line sales industry, logistics, freight forwarding services, consultancy agencies and others.) At the end of the event the team of BCCI informed the participants that they will be further communicated related to the Pilot events that have already started in Bulgaria.

Pilot Programme 4


Pilot Programme 7