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Any question about CVETNET project? Below you can find some common doubts that we can help you to clarify.

CVETNET project is a European project co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme. It aims at building capacity of CVET provider’s networks and its members in order to better adapt their organizations and trainers in supporting SMEs to reskill and upskill their managers and employees on intergenerational learning and adaptation to digital transformation. CVETNET will strengthen cross-border collaboration and enhance VET with a new common methodology for individual learning.
Reinforce CVET Networks with cross-border activities and innovative methodologies across all stages of SME employees’ life to improve the quality and efficiency of VET in Europe.
A mutual learning recommendation report. A vademecum of best practices. A new individual training pathway methodology for SME employees and managers. “Train the trainers” blended learning materials on intergenerational and digital working.
The project foresees 21 events -an average 3 by partners and at least 4 in each of the consortium countries to which trainers, SMEs, and the general public will be invited to present the progress and results of the project.
Online Learning is today’s prevalent form of distance learning, imparted mainly via the Internet, incorporating social media and web 2.0 services for a collaborative and personalised learning experience, anywhere and at any time via desktop and mobile computing devices. It can also involve the use of Open educational resources.
Digital Learning is a form of teaching and learning supported by ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in order to modernise education and training,   
Intergenerational Learning (IL) describes the way that people of all ages can learn together and from each other. IL is an important part of Lifelong Learning, where the generations work together to gain skills, values and knowledge. Beyond the transfer of knowledge, IL fosters reciprocal learning relationships between different generations and helps to develop social capital cohesion in our ageing societies.  
CVET: A universally accepted definition of work-based CVET does not exist. CVET is defined as “education or training after initial education or entry into working life, aimed at helping individuals to improve or update their knowledge and/or skills; acquire new skills for a career move or retraining; continue their personal or professional development (Cedefop and Tissot, 2004, p.50.). CVET is essentially the part of adult learning oriented towards professional development. IVET: The general definition of IVET is preparation of people with skills and/or competences to gain entry into a specific occupation/sector. At least this is the definition provided in most instances, but IVET is an evolving concept in all countries and, in many respects, this limited definition is becoming outdated. IVET is no longer considered only as a vocational pathway, but as an alternative pathway to the academic route that contains many elements of an academic education, which can, ultimately, lead to a tertiary level or university education. This, at least, is an aspiration for IVET.
National Network and CVET providers being reinforced with a new modern methodology and materials for intergenerational learning. SMEs and employees being offered new methods to strengthen their digital skills and intergenerational learning in the current challenging and interconnected world.