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CVETNET webinars in Austria: Introducing the CVETNET training innovative Materials

NEWS | CVETNET webinars in Austria: Introducing the CVETNET training innovative Materials

The CVETNET project, co-financed by the EU's Eramus + program, has developed new training manuals addressed to teachers, trainers and mentors, with the aim of contributing to modernizing the role and quality of VET to strengthen the employability of people and the adaptability of SMEs. 

The training methods respond to the need of SMEs to adapt to a new environment, based on digital transformation and on the plurality of generations working in their teams. The selected techniques, such as the Scape Room, Reverse Mentoring, e-Learning and Peer Learning improve the training in digital skills and in group work between different generations (intergenerational learning), through an innovative and an attractive approach, as a way to offer the Continuous Vocational Training as a more interesting option, both for the growth of individuals and organizations. 

The webinars were organized by WIFI and was addressed to their respective networks, VET centres, trainers and mentors

Check below the materials and the recorded webinar in German:

  • Recorded webinar 27.09.21
  • Recorded webinar 28.09.21