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The network of ambassadors “Somos FP Dual” is born to contribute to a better knowledge of Dual VET

NEWS | The network of ambassadors “Somos FP Dual” is born to contribute to a better knowledge of Dual VET

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce promotes, together with LIDL supermarkets, the Bertelsman Foundation, and the support of European Social Fund, “The dual professional training program in the company”. On March 10, the network of ambassadors “Somos FP Dual was presented. This meeting was attended by the Secretary General of Vocational Training Clara Sanz, the president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, José Luis Bonet; the vice president of the Bertelsmann Foundation, Francisco Belil; the corporate general director of Lidl in Spain, Ferran Figueras; Bankia's director of directors and people management, Gemma Medrano, the head of the department of agricultural activities at IES Almudeyne, José Luis Alonso, and one of the network's ambassadors, Lorena Castellano.

The objective of the program is to strengthen the quality and extension of the Dual Vocational Training system in Spain by promoting, advising and supporting the companies participating in it.

During this meeting was emphasized the importance of CVET and a learning model that combines classroom training and in-company training. The Secretary General of Vocational Training Clara Sanz also highlighted the importance of incorporating this training philosophy not only to large companies but also to Spanish SMEs and micro companies since only if they participate in the VET ecosystem they will be able to enter the innovation circuit.

Moreover, it was mentioned the gap between the teaching world and the real needs of companies and the CVET learning model as a new, flexible and innovative alternative.

The context when the fact of  having obtained a University Degree made all the difference when  entering into the labour market is far away from the current reality. As the number of young university students is increasing, they find tough to find a  suitable job in the labour market, and, nowadays, we may frequently see CVET classrooms full of university graduates seeking an alternative to find a job in the labour market.

CVETNET attempts to address this challenge by supporting SMEs with methodologies and training itineraries adapted to the current challenges of companies. Throughout these months, the CVETNET consortium has been preparing a handbook to guide the assessment and implementation of innovative methodologies to elaborate individual CVET training pathways for staff at SMEs to reinforce intergenerational Teamworking and Digitalization. In this way, CVETNET project would contribute to support human resources’ adaptation to digital transformation, and with the involvement of different generations. Once the material is developed, a pilot test will be carried out in each participating country with the participation of SMEs and at least 100 CVET training itineraries will be implemented.

In addition,  CVETNET consortium will elaborate a train of trainers Guide that will combine a set of new training techniques: Peer learning, Lena learning model (taught by WIFI), scape-rooms training dynamics (offered by CCI Terrassa), webinars , and other new training techniques  to support blended learning  for CVET teacher trainers, trainers and company mentors. The purpose of  the new methods  is to make CVET more attractive and relevant in the future.