Digital competences Bootcamp in Dobrich
In the end of February 2020 the Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovation has completed its first EDIBO Bootcamp at the International College in Dobrich. In a specially equipped hall, enrolled young people up to 29 who are not studying and not currently working (NEETs) had the opportunity to acquire the necessary computer skills to start their own businesses or to start working in an existing company. The aim of the first phase was to improve not only technical knowledge, but also to enhance English and soft skills, such as group work and entrepreneurship.
The 1st Bootcamp included 25 NEETs aged between 21-29 years old, most of them living in rural areas around the city of Dobrich. The students entered the course with very different level of education, digital skills, language skills (only 20% with basic level of English) and social standard.
The trainer – engineer Lachezar Rosenov (70 years old) shared his personal impression of the 1st Bootcamp, his satisfaction with all the students who completed the course, as well as invited new young people belonging to the category NEETs and wishing to participate and to improve its digital skills in the next cycles of courses in Varna region. The most interesting in this situation is that the trainer learned from young students funny things about the social media.
The Digital Skills training courses are organized under the project EDIBO (European Digital Bootcamps), funded by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.