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CVETNET is preparing its Pilot phase

NEWS | CVETNET is preparing its Pilot phase

CVETNET partners have designed a manual, which includes an innovative methodology to carry out relevant evaluations in companies with regard to digital transformation and intergenerational training. This methodology will allow CVETNET partners to analyse the employees’ profiles and the company’s organization through their managers and / or Human Resources leaders. In this way, CVETNET partners will be able to complete 100 individual training pathways in the selected SMEs in the following months.

In 2021, companies in 4 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Spain and the Czech Republic) can benefit from in-depth analyses of the up skilling and re-skilling needs of their employees in the areas of digital transformation and intergenerational learning as part of the ERASMUS+ project CVETNET.

In a pilot phase, 100 individual training pathways will be developed for the employees of interested companies. These training and career pathways will be integrated into the CVETNET Handbook and thus made available to participating companies. In addition, a "Blended Learning Train the Trainer Handbook" is being developed, which contains new training techniques, especially in the online area.

Companies participating in the pilot phase, will also be able to register their employees free of charge for the "Blended Learning Train the Trainer" webinars created as part of the project, so that in the future, they themselves will be able to ascertain the individual training needs of their employees / colleagues in the digital age and then organize training sessions. This strengthens the competitiveness of companies in the field of human resources and on the market. With highly qualified specialists and professionals, they would be able to react faster and better in times of crisis and also act successfully in the event of sudden market changes.