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CVETNET Innovative Materials in the fields of digital transformation and Intergenerational learning for trainers.

PUBLICATIONS | CVETNET Innovative Materials in the fields of digital transformation and Intergenerational learning for trainers.

The training methods presented below respond to the need of SMEs to adapt to a new environment, based on digital transformation and on the plurality of generations working in their teams. The selected techniques, such as the Scape Room, Reverse Mentoring, e-Learning and Peer Learning improve the training in digital skills and in group work between different generations (intergenerational learning), through an innovative and an attractive approach, as a way to offer the Continuous Vocational Training as a more interesting option, both for the growth of individuals and organizations.

The training methods are available in English, Czech, German and Spanish:

Guides in English:

Guides in Czech:

Guides in German:

Guides in Spanish: